Online Double Bass Resources

These are my favorite websites for ordering bass essentials - all of them knowledgeable, friendly, and highly specialized.

String Emporium

String emporium has by far the best prices for strings, of course. They also have excellent bow cases, and bass cases as well, and are extremely knowledgeable and specialized in double bass. Their Finale bow is an excellent deal for an affordable carbon fiber bow, and it comes with a great case.

Pops Bass Rosin is one of the simplest websites I’ve ever been to. It’s the freshest source for Pops. I get a fresh cake once maybe 3 times per year to keep it as fresh as I can, but you should get a new cake when it starts to dry out.

The Rosin Saver

The Rosin Saver is a plastic container made for Pop’s Bass Rosin. The silicon cup specifically is MUCH nicer to use than the paper cup standard to Pop’s. Their bass rag with the steel scrubber is excellent as well!

Lemur Music

Lemur is an excellent source for MANY things, and they now have a shop in Berkeley, CA! I most use them for bass sheet music and method books now, but I’ve bought strings, cases, bows, and so many other things from them in the past. They also offer instrument repair services in Berkeley.

Gollihur Music

Gollihur is my main source for performance accessories. Wheels, amplification, tools, endpins, rockstops, stools, bow quivers, cases, etc. They are similar to Lemur Music in that they have a whole bunch of different things, including instruments.

Quantum Bass

Quantum Bass has a lot of great accessories. If you’re ordering multiple cakes of rosin, I recommend ordering from here because they shrink wrap the containers.